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Sylt Highlights

The extraordinary climate of the North Sea, the sandy beaches and the mudflats – Sylt can easily keep up with the highlights of the Lanserhof. We have listed some of these great and unexpected activities for you here.

Air show

Sylt is one of the best bird watching areas in Germany. Gannets and star divers, avocets and oystercatchers: hundreds of different bird species rest, breed or live permanently in one of the island’s biotopes. What do they love about Sylt? They love the diverse nature with dunes, cliffs, heaths, fields, meadows, reed areas and beaches.

Well-being factor mudflat hiking

The mudflats off the east side of Sylt are much more than a muddy substrate: the “healing earth of the sea” contains minerals such as calcium, sulfur, potassium and phosphorus. It thus promotes blood circulation, improves the appearance of the skin, stimulates the metabolism and has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Bathing with whales

40 km of sandy beaches and a surf that awakens all the spirits: a swim in the North Sea lets you feel all the power of the sea. If you are lucky, you may even encounter porpoises while swimming. Around 6000 of these friendly contemporaries live permanently off Sylt.
They like to mingle with their babies among the bathers. Especially when there is no wind, the chances of an encounter of a special kind are good.

North Sea to breathe in

The surf along the west coast of the island of Sylt is not only a feast for the eyes, the respiratory tract also celebrates the spray produced by the breakers. Due to their high content of salt, iodine and trace elements, these marine aerosols have an extremely positive effect on diseases such as asthma, bronchitis and even rheumatism.

Far-sightedness guaranteed

Sylt has five lighthouses, four of which are still in operation today. Black and white, red and white: their maritime appearance is pure seafaring romance and makes them distinctive landmarks of the island. For more than 100 years, they have reliably shown passing ships the right course.