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More successful with exercise

Perhaps you have already found a sport that you enjoy and practice regularly. If not, here’s why it makes sense to find one. Because exercise has many benefits: Sure, it keeps us fit, slim and healthy. But many people don’t know that exercise does a lot more and can help us in our jobs. It is interesting to see that successful professionals are often also very ambitious when it comes to exercise. They run marathons (about every tenth boss of a German DAX-listed company regularly runs the full distance of 42 kilometres), lift weights and do yoga. In addition, they have several meetings a day, fly from A to B and make important decisions. The right amount of exercise seems to help you in your daily life, positively changes your attitude towards stress, time management, self and body awareness. Endurance athletes are self-motivating, regularly reach their limits, are considered persistent, ambitious, strong-willed, determined, diligent and disciplined. Those who never reach their physical limits will never know what they are capable of. Qualities that are advantageous for everyday professional life.

Mann beim Training mit Handtuch über Hals


Doing exercise, such as endurance sports, stimulates the blood and oxygen supply to the brain. If the mind is blocked, exercise can provide the necessary inspiration. Various studies have shown that people perform better in memory tests after exercising and it is easier for them to make decisions. A simple walk during your lunch break is enough. It promotes cognitive abilities and thus logical thinking and creativity. Running in the fresh air is said to also delay the ageing processes of the brain and create new synapses (connections between the nerve cells in the brain) – The more synapses, the faster one’s thinking processes. In addition, memory performance improves and the mind becomes more alert and receptive.

Organisation / Time Management

A busy day requires good planning. Successful professionals are more organised because they treat their important business appointments just like a sports unit. It is not uncommon for exercise units to be entered as an appointment next to meetings in the calendar. The planning of the day creates structure and helps you to achieve your goals. It also helps you to work more structured and be more efficient in your job.


Exercise increases your self-confidence. How did you feel the last time you completed the 10 km run in one go? Or when you completed a strenuous full-body workout at the gym? Good, right? Maybe you’ve also discovered one or the other muscle that you never knew existed. Achieving results in sport, achieving personal goals – that motivates and strengthens self-confidence. Once you reach your goal, the next one no longer seems so unattainable.

Body awareness / charisma

Along with increased self-confidence comes body awareness. Sport strengthens the muscles, gives us a better posture – and at the same time you experience a new perception of your body. For people who exercise regularly, this often changes the way they interact with their own body. You will see that a healthy and balanced diet gives your body the important nutrients and supports you efficiently on the way to achieving your goals. You will feel healthier and fitter and positively influence your mood thanks to the released endorphins. This not only affects you but also the people you interact with.

Stress reduction / concentration

Regular exercise can help to reduce stress, sleep better and be more concentrated in everyday life and at work. Exercise increases the production of hormones (e.g. endorphins) that neutralise stress hormones. If these are not neutralised, they suppress the production of other hormones that are necessary for well-being. Stress is an everyday occurrence for many working people. Therefore a balance through exercise is essential.

The World Health Organization WHO recommends 2 ½ hours a week as compensation. It is important that you feel connected to the sport and that you enjoy it. There is no point in forcing yourself to do something, as otherwise not only will unnecessary additional stress arise, but there is also the risk of not completing the training session. In addition, you should find the right measure for yourself, as this enhances the likelihood of you sticking to your exercise routine.