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Shaman Alberto Villoldo

A New Body with Shamanic Energy Medicine

According to Alberto Villoldo, every human being has a luminous energy field, a reservoir of vital energy – a sea of living energy that is as essential to our health as the oxygen and nutrients transported by the bloodstream. The energy field can be disturbed by diseases, stress and environmental pollution. Villoldo wants to preserve health and vitality and prolong active and healthy years with the help of « ilumination » – lighting.
An interview is conducted during the first 10 to 15 minutes of a treatment. Afterwards you lie fully clothed on a massage table while shaman Alberto Villoldo works on your energy field without touching your body.

Alberto Villoldo

Before his travels, Alberto Villoldo studied the human brain as the youngest professor at the University of San Francisco. He ran the biological self-regulatory laboratory and studied how energy medicine could change the chemistry of the brain. How can the mind, brain and body be kept healthy and how do diseases develop? It was clear how psychosomatic diseases could be caused. But how can body, mind and soul be healed? His goal was to program the mind to create psychosomatic health.
These considerations led him to search for alternative views. Views on space and time that differed from ours, Western. He traded his laboratory for a pair of walking shoes and a ticket to the Amazon to learn from researchers whose vision was not limited to the lens of a microscope, from people whose knowledge encompassed more than the measurable material world he had been taught, the ONLY reality.

The journey of the Shaman Alberto Villoldo

In the course of his travels he met many shamans in the Amazon and the Andes, in Africa, Indonesia and Brazil. He met people who can only heal their bodies and maintain their health with the power of their minds and herbal remedies.
As a medical anthropologist and later as a pupil of the shamans, he learned a lot from them.
Alberto Villoldo is now the author of more than 15 books, including « Shaman, Healer, Weiser », « One Spirit Medicine » and the new « Grow a New Body » with shamanic energy medicine.

On 27 – 29 September 2023 Alberto Villoldo will give a lecture and treat at Lanserhof Tegernsee. We are very pleased that Alberto Villoldo is visiting us again and that we can offer you the possibility of a personal meeting during your stay (min. 7 nights) incl. Lanserhof cure.

To book your stay, please contact our hotel reservation department:

Phone number: +49 8022 1880 0

Discover our energy medicine at Lanserhof