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The Lanserhof Concept: Fasting

Live better for longer – that is our claim for your stay and the primary goal of the Lanserhof Concept. Developed for four decades and developed in daily practice at Lanserhof, this approach is based on the valuable findings of naturopathy, energy medicine, psychology, psychoneuroimmunology, chronomedicine and modern cutting-edge medicine: an intelligent symbiosis that has won many awards.

The healing art of Lanserhof

At the heart of the Lanserhof Concept is the Lanserhof Cure: the thorough regeneration of the intestines to revitalise the vital forces. The regeneration process begins with sensitive detoxification, purification and deacidification programmes. Only a detoxified body is able to regenerate and reorganise its self-healing powers. At Lanserhof we see people in their entirety – and treat them in a holistic way. This special way of looking at things makes it possible not only to fight illnesses, but also promote health and prophylaxis in order to prevent serious illnesses. Our main focus is to find an optimal and goal-oriented combination of different therapy options for each guest. Individual treatment is the overriding principle of the Lanserhof Concept. Therefore, the cure can be supplemented with individual therapeutic applications, comprehensive diagnostics and many other check-ups. Furthermore, we offer a variety of different therapy options on site, such as cryotherapy, pain therapy and interval hypoxia-hyperoxia therapy.

The fasting cure procedure

At the beginning of your stay, a detailed physical and anamnestic diagnosis takes place, which is supplemented with various examinations and analyses. Based on these results and taking into account your personal goals, your doctor will determine your treatment plan. The regeneration process begins with sensitive detoxification, purification and deacidification programmes. Health, beauty, vitality and mental condition are determined by the purity of the body. Holistic regeneration is supported and accelerated by individual exercise therapies, the specially developed Lanserhof Energy Cuisine and our extensive physical therapy programme.

Important information for your stay with us

Important information for your stay with us

Before arrival ...


To ensure that the start of your purification, cleansing and regeneration therapy begins as efficiently as possible, we recommend that you observe the following preparatory measures two weeks before your arrival:

  • Reduce or abstain from coffee, alcohol and sugar or sweets.
  • Try to limit tobacco consumption.
  • Eat little and light food in the evening.
  •  Take plenty of time for your meals.

Pack your suitcase:

  • Remember to bring any medication you are currently taking on a regular basis and any current medical information.
  • Leisure wear, sportswear for our outdoor and indoor exercise programme (mountain boots or hiking boots, trainers with light soles for the fitness room), swimwear (a bathrobe is provided for you in your room) and warm socks.
  • At Lanserhof, “digital fasting” is writ large – so don’t forget to pack your favourite book.
  • Try to make the preparation weeks a little less stressful and slower.
  • Go to bed a little earlier in the evening.

With the help of these measures, the changeover of your inner clock and metabolism will be easier and you will be well prepared for your time-out at Lanserhof.

After your stay ...

It is important to pay attention to regular time-outs so that your mental and psychological health is not jeopardised. Small meditation and breathing exercises are a wonderful exercise to incorporate at any time and will help you to stay calm in stressful situations.

Try to integrate regular exercise into your daily routine. This does not necessarily have to be a trip to the gym. A walk during your lunch break or a bike ride to visit friends or family also promotes physical fitness and are highly recommended.

During your Lanserhof cure you will gain valuable knowledge about a healthy and balanced diet. Before you leave, discuss with your medical contact person how you can continue your diet at home in order to find long-term healthy practices. Also at home, always try to take enough time for a meal so that you can enjoy it slowly and consciously.

You can find many other valuable articles on various topics related to health, nutrition and fitness on our Lanserhof blog.

Frau sitz am Balkon des Lanserhof Tegernsee