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Sugar Detox

Too much sugar can make us sick

When we talk about sugar we usually mean the sweet tasting crystalline substance obtained from sugar cane or sugar beet. It was once a rarity, then a luxury commodity and today we find sugar in almost all processed foods, such as soft drinks, smoothies, breakfast cereals and even sausages. We also consume too much sugar in the form of honey, syrup or fruit juice concentrates. On average, people in all age groups consume about 90g of sugar per day. The World Health Organisation on the other hand recommends a maximum of 50g per day.
So What was initially considered necessary energy intake in times of arable farming can cause problems in an affluent society like the one we find ourselves in today. This is especially the case if you consume more calories per day from sugar than you burn. Since people generally exercise less and less, the high sugar consumption leads to a real epidemic of obesity and diabetes.
Moreover, too much sugar disturbs the digestive system, weakens the immune system and promotes allergies. In the long-term, side effects include bone and joint problems, cardiovascular diseases, vision problems and liver diseases. Too much sugar can make us sick.

Weihnachtsplätzchen mit Zuckerguss

Too much sugar can make us sick.

Why is it so difficult for us to go without sugar?

If we consume sugar, for example in the form of bread and pastries, the sugar is split into glucose or fructose in the small intestine. Glucose is quickly released into the bloodstream and used as energy, while fructose has to be converted into glucose by the liver before it can be utilised. Glucose in the blood ensures that the pancreas suddenly releases the hormone insulin and the sugar reaches our body cells.

Too much sugar therefore means a constant increase in insulin production, which places a great strain on the pancreas. It may even produce so much that too little sugar remains in the blood, causing the blood sugar level to drop. This not only leads to a decrease in performance and the ability to concentrate, but also to irritation and increased appetite, especially for sweets. It’s a vicious circle: sugar makes you crave even more sugar!

We will show you how you can break the chain and feel fitter with a healthy, balanced, nutritious diet.

  • Eat fibre-rich foods. A diet rich in fibre, such as vegetables, low-sugar fruits, whole grains, legumes and nuts, ensures that the sugar level rises slowly and does not cause peaks in blood sugar levels. This minimises cravings.
  • Eat as much fresh, unprocessed food as possible that does not contain added sugar in the form of syrup, honey, fruit concentrates, household sugar or malt syrup.
  • IF you eat sweets, then rather in small quantities, immediately after a meal as a dessert. This prevents a renewed rise in blood sugar between meals.
  • Make sure that you consume enough protein. Ideally with every meal. Protein regulates the blood sugar and insulin levels and thus reduces the feeling of hunger.
  • Attach importance to good fats, mainly of vegetable origin. Fat, especially from nuts, seeds or olive oil, provides a long-lasting feeling of satiety and thus helps to stabilise the blood sugar levels.