Veggie Frittata
300 g carrots
200 g parsley roots 1 red onion
2 tbsp olive oil Cumin
1 courgette
200 g pre-cooked beetroot 30 g walnut kernels
30 g sprouted pumpkin seeds 20 g sprouted sunflower seeds 3 eggs (medium)
100 ml plant-based drink Grease for the mould
1. Peel, clean and thinly slice the carrots and parsley roots. Peel and halve the onion and cut into strips. Mix everything with 1 tbsp olive oil and marinate with cumin, turmeric, coriander, salt and pep- per.
2. Spread the vegetables on a baking tray and roast in a preheated oven (electric cooker: 180 °C) for approx. 6 minutes.
3. Wash and clean the courgette and slice together with the beetroot. Marinate with 1 tbsp olive oil and the spices. Spread over the vegetables on the baking tray and roast for a further 5 minutes.
4. Chop the walnuts. Mix the pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds and walnuts into the vegetables and spread everything into the greased moulds of a muffin tin.
5. Whisk the eggs and plant-based drink together. Season with salt and pour the egg milk into the gaps on top of the veg- etables. Bake the pancakes in a hot oven for approx. 10 minutes.
Egg: Glutamine
Glutamine is a non-essential amino acid and can be found in poultry in particular. Glutamine offers various health benefits, especially with regard to intestinal health. If there is a glutamine deficiency, the amount of intes- tinal mucosa may be reduced. This in- creases the intestinal permeability for unwanted substances (“leaky gut”) and leads to inflammatory reactions. Glutamine intake strengthens the intestinal barrier.