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High-end prevention thanks to the latest artificial intelligence

New milestones in prevention at Lanserhof: a 3D full-body scanner that detects and classifies birthmarks, and software that tirelessly assesses heartbeats.

A 3D full-body scanner, which is normally only found at university skin clinics, offers the possibility of precise melanoma screening. At Lanserhof Sylt, we use artificial intelligence to optimise the long-term ECG for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases.

The device takes two images of the guest and creates a 3D model. It detects all moles and classifies them, not only analysing their current state, but also how the lesions are changing. The results are compared with an enormous, still growing database of third-party images. In this way, the system teaches itself to become more accurate in its analyses. We have been offering skin screenings at Lanserhof for a long time, but we are now able to raise the quality to a much higher level.

The ECG is used to diagnose cardiac arrhythmias, especially atrial fibrillation, which is often first detected by complications, usually a stroke. It therefore makes sense to screen patients who are at increased risk well ahead of time. The new device helps us make findings that are possible after just 12 hours and provides accurate results.

On average, 120,000 individual heartbeats need to be assessed in 24 hours, an enormous amount extrapolated to 72 hours. Accuracy is improved because fatigue is not a problem: the advantage of artificial intelligence.

The primary objective of the examination is to detect changes in the so-called birthmarks. This is where artificial intelligence comes into play: for example, I have as many as 717 moles on my skin. Most of them are very small, but each of these moles must be examined and checked for shape and colour.

At Lanserhof Sylt, we have a so-called Vectra Scanner for this purpose, which uses 96 high-resolution cameras to record each birthmark and compile an overview for the doctors.

In addition, the computer also provides recommendations as to which areas should be examined more closely.

