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A diet with food of the highest quality, optimal digestibility and maximum taste is the simplest and most beautiful way to absorb energy. Lanserhof Energy Cuisine incorporates all the findings of modern food research and global nutritional philosophy.


Biophotonic (i.e. strengthening and energising) meat is also the meat of those animals that are kept outdoors in a species-appropriate manner. For example cows that graze in the meadow in summer, absorbing the natural energy of the sun, produce milk that has a higher nutrient content. Our approach is about consciously living according to the rhythm of nature again – and not against it. Therefore, we abide by our “inner clock” and the diurnal rhythm of the organs. Scientific studies have shown that the stomach digests best in the morning between seven and nine o’clock, while twelve hours later it hardly works at all.
One of our therapy principles is chewing training, which is taught to you at the beginning of your stay. Chewing and good insalivation make it easier for the intestines to digest, so that they can regenerate. Proper chewing is an essential part of our therapy. During fasting with chewing training, each bite should be chewed 30 to 40 times.

During your stay, you also have the opportunity to attend a cooking lecture given by one of our chefs at the respective locations. There you will be taught the criteria of a healthy, balanced and easily digestible diet, so that you can continue to promote your health with an appropriate diet after your stay.